Frank W. Bosia
Frank Bosia is a highly skilled security consultant, program developer/manager and trainer in the security, defense and leadership fields. Recently retired as a SEAL Command Master Chief after 30 years in the U.S. Navy, Frank is recognized as a leading authority and architect in innovative Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) capabilities. During his service in Naval Special Warfare (NSW), Frank held various leadership positions, including Program Manager for the Force-wide Special Activities program, for which he was also the architect. He is recognized as a leading authority and architect in the development of innovative capabilities to combat terrorism, such as operational preparation of the battlespace/environment and is an accomplished national-level program manager.
Frank supported Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) as overseas security manager for U.S. and DOD personnel and assets in numerous CENTCOM countries, which included routine coordination and supervision of host nation and U.S. personnel. Immediately after the World Trade Center attacks, Frank was hand-selected to serve as CENTCOM CAT SOF Advisor. He served as a CJFSOCC Campaign Planner, Crisis Response Element planner, OPB Operator, and the first SOCCENT Crisis Response Element (CRE) Command Sergeant Major (CSM) during OEF deployments. During his Navy career, Frank’s accomplishments included –
- leadership as program manager/executive agent for a one-year, classified DOD counter-proliferation program
- development and leadership of Force maritime threat analysis NSW training program
- onsite command and control of Maritime Intercept Operations (MIO) in the Arabian Gulf with development and implementation of underway ship-boarding TTPs and oversight of the design and implementation of mechanical and explosive entry techniques
- development, supervision and instruction for all aspects of land warfare training for 10 Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) classes
- service as a SEAL operator in SEAL platoons as a Intelligence specialist, Communications specialist, Ordnance specialist, Leading Petty Officer and Leading Chief Petty Officer
As the Officer in Charge of Special Operations Training, Frank supervised thousands of hours of high-risk SEAL training with a perfect safety record.
Frank’s security consulting services have included assessing and serving as the Security Task Force Team Leader for the FIFA Under 17 World Cup soccer championship in Lagos, Nigeria and surveying private sector security interests.
He has two years of formal electronics school training and served two years as an Electronics Technician. Frank holds a master’s degree in global leadership from the University of San Diego, a bachelor’s from Excelsior College and an associate’s degree Chapman College. He also earned an Advanced II Arabic Language certificate from the Berlitz Language Center.