At times it can seem overwhelming with the amount of personal information available on the Internet. There are all kinds of different ways companies and people are able to collect data. There are generally three types of personal information collection and storage:
1. Information available to anyone
2. Information available for a fee
3. Information available to the government and law enforcement
Each of these areas requires different strategies and techniques to remove your personal information. Not all strategies will work and there are some places you cannot remove your information from, for a variety of reasons, so other strategies and techniques must be implemented.
The below links are to five sites, which are common personal information collection sites, where you can simply and easily remove your personal information. The website is on to, with the name of the company, and underneath is a hyper link to the location on the company website where you can locate your personal information and walk through the steps to remove it. Once you click on the link, follow the steps required and your information will be removed from that company’s database.
1. Pipl
2. People Finders
3. People Finder
4. Spokeo
5. Zabasearch
Once thing to note, is once you remove your personal information, you have to follow up every few months because these sites are constantly looking for new information. There is a much more extensive process to walk through, but this is a start.
Good luck to regaining privacy and security!
Contact us at info@toss-llc.com for more information.